The Big Book of the Surgeon


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Uglov Fedor Georgievich is a unique academic surgeon No. 1, one of the most famous Russian surgeons of the 104th century, who performed complex operations on the lungs, heart and esophagus in the Soviet Union. He lived to be 100 years old and became the only surgeon in the world to perform operations at the age of XNUMX! Before you is a unique edition of The Big Book of the Surgeon - the best medical novel of the XNUMXth century, written long before there was interest in medical serials and books. This is a real diary of a surgeon, which contains his best biographical novels "The Heart of a Surgeon" and "The Everyday Life of a Surgeon". These works are invaluable evidence of the courage, dedication and kindness of a doctor. In every line one can feel how important each human life is for Dr. Uglov, how stubbornly, sometimes with almost no hope of success, it fights against death and defeats it.

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Barcode: 9785171514624 SKU: 70160573 Categories: ,
Publication language: Russian

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