The "Balkan Front" of the Cold War: the USSR and Yugoslav-Albanian Relations. 1945–1968


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Between 1945 and 1968, Yugoslav-Albanian relations went through several stages, marked by various forms of cooperation and ideological confrontation. Both sides perceived each other differently and the prospects for bilateral relations, on the one hand, and the role of great powers, on the other. Thanks to the cooperation of the Yugoslav and Albanian communists during the Second World War, after its end, relations between Yugoslavia and Albania acquired a special character. The first post-war years were characterized by the closeness of interstate relations, as well as the comprehensive assistance that Yugoslavia provided to Albania in the political, military, cultural and educational spheres. The establishment of direct contacts between the Soviet and Albanian party leadership in the summer of 1947 marked the strengthening of Soviet influence in Albania and the proportional weakening of the Yugoslav presence.

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