Atlas of wanderings and explorers: expeditions of monks, naturalists and other travelers of all times and countries


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Atlas of wanderings and explorers: expeditions of monks, naturalists and other travelers of all times and countries


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A few centuries ago, the boundaries of our planet were not known, and many parts of the world remained isolated, unconnected. Not only were the lands, plant and animal species in these regions unknown, but also the people who lived there and their culture. To get to know the world, one had to go on a journey - on a donkey, camel, ship or on foot. The travels of monks, botanists, merchants, sailors and artists made an important contribution to the knowledge of our planet and made it possible to establish contacts with peoples who lived in other places. These travelers of all times and countries are the main characters of this book, which has enough maps and many, many adventures.

Barcode: 9785001140726 SKU: 70162722 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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