Anya from Noisy Poplars


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The fourth book in the series about Anya Shirley, a novel in epistolary form.
Gilbert proposes to Anya and she accepts. But the happy moment of the wedding is postponed for three years, while Gilbert continues his studies at the university, and Anya gets a job at a school in the city of Summerside. She not only teaches at school, but also holds the position of headmistress, which is difficult in itself, and also draws her into confrontation with the influential Pringley family in the city. Anya will have to not only win friendship and respect from her colleagues, but also learn many secrets of the local residents... Over the course of all three years, Anya writes touching letters to her groom - about her relationships with new acquaintances and about what stories she, willingly or unwillingly, had to participate in . The Anya Shirley novels are a classic coming-of-age story with ups and downs, sorrows and joys.

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Barcode: 9785041926380 SKU: 70182380 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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