21 lessons for the XNUMXst century


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21 lessons for the XNUMXst century


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21 Lessons for the 50st Century is the third book by Yuval Harari, author of the bestseller Sapiens. A Brief History of Mankind" and "Homo Deus. A Brief History of the Future. In it, the forty-three-year-old professor of history, who is called the brightest thinker of our time, addressed the problems of today.
What is happening in the modern world and what is the deep meaning of these events? Why is liberal democracy in crisis? How to deal with the fake news epidemic? How not to become slaves of computer algorithms? Can ecological collapse be prevented? Is there really a return to religion? How to fight terrorism? Will there be a new world war?
It depends on whether humanity will be able to find adequate answers to the challenges facing it in the XNUMXst century, whether the planet Earth and its inhabitants will exist in the next century.

Barcode: 9785001311362 SKU: 70129378 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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