1185 7 and 37 wonders of the world


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1185 7 and 37 wonders of the world


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In 1965, the historian-orientalist Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko (1934–2003), known in the scientific community for his works on the history of Southeast Asia, defended his PhD thesis on the topic “The Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries)”, and in 1981 - his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma.” Meanwhile, all Soviet teenagers (and many adults too!) were reading the works of the nationally famous science fiction writer Kir Bulychev. And only a few knew that the scientist Igor Mozheiko and the science fiction writer Kir Bulychev were one and the same person. However, under his real name, Igor Mozheiko also published many fascinating books on world history, aimed at the widest audience. “1185” is an extensive historical panorama of Asia and Europe, the starting point of which is 1185, the year in which the events of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” take place. Moving along the Great Silk Road, the author outlines the subtle relationships of trade and cultural contacts between countries and peoples, sometimes not even aware of each other’s existence... “7 and 37 Wonders of the World” is an entertaining story about outstanding monuments of architecture and art, originally included in the list by Herodotus “Seven Wonders of the World”, which is expanded by the author, who added to the list of textbook “miracles” the remarkable creations of human genius created outside the world known to the ancient Greeks.

Barcode: 9785389244788 SKU: 70182344 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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