100 stories from the history of medicine: The greatest discoveries, exploits and crimes in the name of your health and longevity


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Here is the history of evidence-based medicine of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, presented in the form of short illustrated stories. The book describes both well-known and completely unknown facts. Doctors-researchers, doctors-innovators, doctors-writers, doctors-patients, doctors-politicians - they all made amazing discoveries and feats in order to save the lives of patients. You will learn about the most significant operations that initiated the development of the main areas of medicine; about how the causative agents of deadly diseases were discovered and about the victory over them; how treatments for chronic diseases and acute conditions were developed; how they invented and improved medical equipment and vital drugs. The author clearly explains complex medical terms and the essence of important physiological processes. There is no fiction in the book: the facts presented are supported by a thorough check in specialized literature and periodicals, memoirs, interviews, lectures, archival materials.

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Barcode: 9785961413984 SKU: 70128590 Categories: ,
Publication language: Russian

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