Churchill. Biography


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"Churchill" by Martin Gilbert is not only an extremely valuable historical work, but also a fascinating narrative. Before us passes the whole life of Winston Churchill from early childhood: struggles and failures, moments of the highest triumph and bitter defeats, the excitement of his private life, the extraordinary abilities of an orator, politician and even a visionary, manifested throughout his career both in peace and in peace. war years.
Martin Gilbert creates a living portrait based on Churchill's personal correspondence from the family archive, the memoirs of contemporaries - employees, friends and opponents. The reader opens the background of the grandiose political events of the twentieth century - an era marked by two world wars and culminating in the Cold War and nuclear confrontation between the great powers.
“My goal is to present in these pages a complete and complete picture of Churchill's political and private life. His career has been the subject of countless books and articles in which he is sometimes judged from above, if not harshly. I intend to
give a balanced assessment based on his real thoughts, actions, achievements, beliefs and refuting many existing misunderstandings.
A huge array of preserved lifetime materials allowed me to offer the reader an almost complete collection of facts about Churchill's life, to reproduce almost every episode to which he was related, to present his true intentions and actions, as well as his own words, arguments and thoughts.
Martin Gilbert

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Barcode: 9785389084667 SKU: 70095241 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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