Russian emigrants and their descendants: success stories


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It is customary for us to talk about Russian emigrants most often with an emphasis on the difficult fate and the trials that have befallen them. At the same time, stories of achievement and recognition are undeservedly bypassed. However, in this book, Russian emigration is shown from an unusual, bright side. Here are collected success stories of our former compatriots and their descendants who have achieved recognition abroad, but at the same time - even now! - almost unknown in their homeland. They represent Korea, Japan, Singapore and South Africa, Italy, France, Great Britain, Paraguay and cover the period approximately from the second half of the 70th century to the XNUMXs of the XNUMXth century. Now the modern reader will be able to get acquainted with people from Russia - persistent and stubborn, quick-witted and enterprising, and, of course, very talented and successful.

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Barcode: 9785988624097 SKU: 70123565 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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