The life path of Christian Rakovsky


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Based on extensive archival materials from a number of countries, for the first time, the life path of one of the brightest leaders of the international socialist movement, the Bulgarian Krystyu (Christian) Rakovsky, a prominent centrist figure of the Second International, who became a Bolshevik after 1917, is examined in detail. The authors traced the role of Rakovsky as the state leader of Ukraine - the chairman of its government, his courageous struggle for genuine equality of the republic within the USSR, against the Stalinist course of unification, revealed Rakovsky's attempts to Europeanize the USSR when he was the plenipotentiary representative in Great Britain and France. The study expressively tells of Rakovsky's opposition to the establishment of Stalin's autocracy, his stay in exile, his return to Moscow to a secondary post and reprisals against him. Attention is also paid to the personal life of the hero, his family and extra-family ties, his relatives and friends.
The book is written in a living language, is read with enthusiasm and is of interest not only for specialists, but also for the widest audience. The text is supplemented with unique photographs.

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Barcode: 9785227052773 SKU: 70076255 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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