A General History of the Decline and Fall of the Great Roman Empire: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire


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This work of the famous British historian Edward Gibbon has been considered the gold standard of fundamental historical research since its publication in 1776. The author used historical sources so deeply and extensively, so objectively and scrupulously he analyzed the events of the past, so innovative was his methodology for analyzing the dynamics, causes and consequences of the development of the great Roman Empire from its heyday to decline, turning it into the Byzantine Empire, until its fall in the XNUMXth century that Gibbon rightly earned the title of "the first modern historian of ancient Rome."

Why did the world's greatest empire collapse? Was it the fault of a chain of accidents or the death of the empire was predetermined? And when did the fatal turning point from prosperity to decline occur? For a long time and to this day, these questions have been of concern to specialists, everyone who is not indifferent to history, as well as those who happened to live in the Russian Empire, which bears the title of "Third Rome", the direct heir of the "second Rome" - Byzantium.
E. Gibbon's book touches on many complex processes that lasted for centuries, as well as the Arab and Mongol conquests. The publication is supplied with numerous comments by both the author himself and the editors; illustrations, including color ones, will allow the reader to get a more complete picture of the events of ancient Roman history.

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Barcode: 9785041087524 SKU: 70133110 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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