All maps lie


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Despite their great value, all geographical maps lie. 
This book, first published in the West in 1991 and successfully withstood several editions, clearly shows why any map does not reveal all the characteristics of the area or object depicted on it. The basic principles of mapping outlined here are still relevant today, even in the light of significant technological changes in the creation and use of geographical maps. In this completely updated version of the book, the digital stage in the development of cartography is additionally highlighted. A special place is given to "space" maps, "prohibition" cartography, "maps of developers" and "fast maps", which include animated maps, web maps and "smart" static maps distributed electronically on the Internet; described the advantages and disadvantages of online maps. New possibilities for cartographic distortion are explored, from deliberate simplification to the misleading use of a particular color, as well as ways of outright deception and propaganda. The edition, supplied with many illustrations, including on a color insert, is intended for everyone who is interested in cartography, geography, history and politics. A great gift for those who want to get rid of cartographic illiteracy and "cartophobia". “Geographic maps, like public speeches or works of art, are authorial processing of information and are just as susceptible to distortion ... Examining the misuse of maps - both paper and digital - provides a clue to understanding the nature of the maps themselves and the extent of their adequate use ” . (Mark Monmonnier)

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Barcode: 9785389168190 SKU: 70142845 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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