Looking for blue


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Looking for blue


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The second part of Lois Lowry's tetralogy, like The Giver, describes a closed community with its own rigid laws. After a global catastrophe, it seems that there are no cities, no cars, no railways left on Earth. The girl Kira lives in a village where helping one's neighbor is a rarity, getting food is good luck, and death lies in wait for anyone - from illness or from the clutches of predatory creatures. The lame orphan Kira has little chance, especially since the neighbors consider her a burden and want to kill her. But this cannot be done without the permission of the Guardians. Withstanding the hatred of her neighbors and the court of the Elders, Kira is allowed by her amazing gift - she herself had no idea what she was capable of. With "The Giver", the first part of the tetralogy, "In Search of Blue" connects only a thin thread (although the attentive reader will find in it the answer to the main question - about the fate of Jonas). Nevertheless, these books are very similar: both describe the world that the people inhabiting it perceive as correct and the only possible one, and only the main characters realize that it is riddled with lies and must become different. Here is what Lois Lowry says about her novel: “Having completed work on The Giver, for some reason I publicly announced that it would not have sequels - that was in 1993. In 2000, a second book, In Search of Blue, was published. I did not intend to connect these two stories - I created a completely different, also very interesting world for me, where everything was completely different. But at some point I realized that I could answer some questions - and over the years I have been asked more than once or twice how “The Giver” ended. So at the end of Quest for Blue, I mentioned Jonas. More precisely, I didn’t call him by name, but the children who really wanted to know about his fate understood who it was about.” (Interview with The Wire, 2012).

Barcode: 9785437003114 SKU: 70095392 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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