eunuch shadow


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eunuch shadow


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The novel by the outstanding Catalan writer Jaume Cabré “Shadow of the Eunuch” is a funny and sad story of a sentimental and amorous art lover, the offspring of the ancient family of Zhensan, who, in search of the Way, Truth and Life, devoted his student years to the armed struggle for justice. The Eunuch's Shadow is a novel riddled with literary and musical allusions. Like Alban Berg's Violin Concerto, whose structure he mirrors, the book is a kind of "double requiem". It is dedicated to the "memory of the angel", Teresa, and sounds like a requiem for the protagonist, Mikel Jensana, for himself. The story sounds like a deathbed confession. The hero ended up in the house where he spent his childhood (by the cruel will of chance, the family nest turned into a trendy restaurant). Like Berg's concerto, the novel tells the fate of all the loved and lost beings associated with the house of Zhensan.

Barcode: 9785389227781 SKU: 70110050 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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