Steve Jobs: The Silicon Valley Narcissist


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Steven Paul Jobs (1955-2011), an American entrepreneur and industrial designer, from childhood dreamed of changing the world around us, leaving his own, incomparable mark. He considered himself an exceptional person. “You can’t pick up a name for a new product right away.” The irony here, by the way, has nothing to do with it. A new product is a person, and a new person, of course, is Jobs himself - one of the founders of the famous Apple Corporation and the Pixar film studio. A brilliant designer, a convinced vegetarian, a fan of Eastern teachings, a frantic workaholic, an egoist - dozens of complexes interfered with Jobs throughout his life. "He was too busy to flush the toilet." But now we live in a world filled with technical creations of his most incredible fantasies. At the same time, perhaps the main thing that Jobs left in our world is a myth about himself, a myth he himself created. An attempt to understand this was made by the famous writer Gennady Prashkevich (Novosibirsk, Russia) and professional mathematician, writer Sergei Solovyov (Toulouse, France). How did Steve Jobs live? How did he live? What led to his tragic untimely death? Yes, he changed our world. But in what direction - for better or for worse? It's time to think about this too.

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Publication language: Russian

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