Soviet howitzer D-1: Large-caliber “star” of the artillery of the Red Army


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The 152-mm howitzer D-1 truly became the “star” of Soviet artillery - a weapon that continues to be admired to this day. Despite the fact that the D-1 was developed in the shortest possible time and was produced for only six years, from 1943 to 1949, it became the most popular 152-mm howitzer of the Red and then the Soviet Army. This weapon made a large-caliber contribution to the Victory over Hitler's Third Reich and his allies, and in 1969 it made it possible to stabilize the situation during the border conflict with China on Damansky Island. Howitzers of the 1943 model fired both in Afghanistan and in local wars in the post-Soviet space. Despite a track record of almost eighty years, several hundred of these systems continue to be stored in the warehouses of the mobilization reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In the fall of 2020, the Armenian army used the D-1 during the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh. A new book by a leading historian of Russian artillery for the first time tells in detail about the history of the creation, design, operating experience and combat use of the legendary 152-mm D-1 howitzers. The publication is illustrated with exclusive drawings and photographs.

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Barcode: 9785041191436 SKU: 70143059 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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