At the court of the last emperor 


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An observer and direct participant in the most important historical events in Russia in 1900-1917, a person from the inner circle of Emperor Nicholas II created his book, wanting to testify truthfully about this critical period for Russia. Alexander Alexandrovich Mosolov (1854-1939) - Russian military leader, diplomat, court official, vividly and vividly describes the characters of Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their children, grand dukes, talks about the relationship between members of the imperial family and high-ranking courtiers, ministers and foreign monarchs, attitude towards the representatives of the Russian people. The book presents interesting details of the life of the royal family, known only to the direct participants in the events.

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Barcode: 9785090425773 SKU: 70106390 Categories: , ,
Publication language: Russian

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