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Why are Lonely Planet guides the best in the world? It's simple: our authors are passionate, enthusiastic travelers.
They are not rewarded for their feedback, so you can be sure that their advice is unbiased and sincere.
They visit all popular places, but open new trails with no less enthusiasm.
They personally go to thousands of hotels, restaurants, palaces, galleries, temples, lay dozens of tourist routes, not limited in their research to data from the Internet. They find new places not included in other guidebooks.
They talk to dozens of locals every day so that you get information from the very heart of the country, which can only be found in personal communication with the population of a particular region.
Our authors pride themselves on knowing everything exactly and sharing this knowledge with you.
In this guide you will find up-to-date information, valuable tips and inspiring photos, as well as the secrets of local cuisine, handy maps and information about the main attractions.
Welcome to Paris with Lonely Planet!

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Barcode: 9785699775408 SKU: 70090458 Category:
Publication language: Russian

See also:

  • All books of the publisher Exmo