Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Happiness Stories


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As a child, when you were sick, your grandmother would give you chicken broth. Today, your soul needs nourishment and care. Little stories from "Chicken Soup" will heal spiritual wounds and strengthen the spirit, give new wings to your dreams and reveal the secret of the greatest happiness - the happiness of sharing and loving.

The homeless man lived in a tent, read by candlelight and washed at gas stations, but was absolutely satisfied with his life. He had nothing, but at the same time he had the main thing ...
Carey went to school and started a new career when all her friends retired.
- Nancy was upset when she received inappropriate gifts, until one day she realized that people saw something in her that she herself did not notice ...
— As a child, Lori found coins on the path in the park. Twenty years later, she found out who did little miracles for her ...
And 97 other amazing stories you won't be able to put down.

You cross the whole world in search of happiness, and it is always there, at arm's length from any person.

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Barcode: 9785040895717 SKU: 70118063 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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