stone night


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What was the attitude towards death in pre-revolutionary Russia and how did it change with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks? How did the atheistic policy of the Soviet government affect the relationship of a person with the afterlife? What do those who survived imprisonment in the Stalinist camps remember most of all? What did our soldiers fight and die for in World War II? Why was the Great Terror possible? What did Russian citizens die of in the 30s, 60s and 90s? Katherine Merridale's incredibly meticulous and compelling research focuses on the themes of death and memory, one of the key to our entire culture. And the Russian XNUMXth century has given here an incredible amount of material for reflection: revolution and civil war, large-scale famine and collectivization, the Great Terror and the Gulag, World War II and the devastation of the nineties.

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Barcode: 9785171028893 SKU: 70130696 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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