The era of great geographical discoveries. The history of European sea expeditions to unknown continents in the XV-XVII centuries


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The famous British scientist Professor John Perry presents the history of European geographical exploration and discovery, the development of trade and settlements outside Europe from the beginning of the 250th to the end of the XNUMXth century. This was the era when Europe was discovering the world beyond its borders. It began with Henry the Navigator and the Portuguese travels and ended XNUMX years later, when the "reconnaissance" was almost complete. Professor Perry examines the political, economic and religious incentives that motivated Europeans to explore and conquer, and analyzes the nature and problems of their settlements in colonized lands. The author draws attention to the fact that this era witnessed not only the most rapid spread of geographical knowledge in Europe, but also the beginning of a close connection between pure science and technology and practical life. And he notes that it was during this period, especially in the second half of it, that European scientists outlined the contours of the physical Universe that we know.
Antique engravings add information and embellish the story.

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Barcode: 9785952456006 SKU: 70152186 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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