Fry Obsession


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Glamours, according to the classification proposed by the venerable Tinki Ayohti, come in eighteen degrees of certainty. Obsessions of the first degree of certainty are familiar to everyone - the face of a deceased friend, flashed at the end of the street, a shadow in the form of a fantastic chimera - imagined for a moment, and immediately passed. With the delusion of the eighteenth degree of certainty, you can live side by side all your life and not guess about his inhuman nature. But not a word is said about the classification of glamours in this book. But here a lot is told about the delusions themselves - ancient monsters from distant seas, caskets that give eternal bliss and enchanted cities that sometimes appear in the desert in front of weary travelers.

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Barcode: 9785171215682 SKU: 70044992 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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