British sailors in Russia (1918–1919). Little-known pages of the history of the Civil War: a collection of memoirs and documents


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British sailors in Russia (1918–1919). Little-known pages of the history of the Civil War: a collection of memoirs and documents


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Participation in the Civil War of foreign allies who provided military and material assistance to the White movement is one of the key, but little studied issues in the history of the largest internal conflict that took place in Russia in the first quarter of the XNUMXth century. Many contemporaries and participants in the events noted the personal courage of the representatives of the allied powers, shown in battles, but at the same time the outright hostility of their governments to Russia in political terms. The English view of these events is interesting, but, unfortunately, most of the English-language sources remain inaccessible to the Russian reader. This publication attempts to fill this gap. The collection includes memoirs of British officers - participants in the Civil War in Russia in five theaters of operations: in the Caspian Sea, in the North of Russia, in the South of Russia, in the Baltic and on the Eastern Front. The fighting in these regions is shown through the eyes of British servicemen, who describe the events in some detail and vividly (not without the famous English humor). Almost all the texts included in the book were translated for the first time and were previously unknown to both domestic researchers and history buffs. Publication of translations is accompanied by a scientific commentary and an extensive documentary supplement (a significant part of which is documents from the funds of the Russian State Archive of the Navy). The book is intended for specialist historians, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the history of the Civil War, the White movement, the Navy and Russian-British relations in the first quarter of the XNUMXth century.

Barcode:   SKU: 70145498 Category:
Publication language: Russian

See also:

  • All books of the publisher Sowing