Fighting in the Baltics 1919 


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The First World War in the expanses of the former Russian Empire did not end either in March or in November 1918. More than two dozen countries took part in the complex interweaving of a number of conflicts that lasted until 1922. One of the most difficult was the situation in the Baltic States, where until 1920 the war for independence from two former empires at once continued, and the fight with the Bolsheviks and their like-minded people, and the increasingly behind-the-scenes confrontation between the losers and the winners in the Great War. All attempts to study the struggle for dominance in the Baltic within the framework of only one of these conflicts can only yield limited results. A significant part of the events related to the White Struggle in the north-west of Russia, the wars of independence in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the wars of Poland with its neighbors, as well as the consequences of attempts to arrange a world revolution through Germany, still remained unknown not only to ordinary readers. but also for professionals.

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Publication language: Russian

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  • All books of the publisher Sowing