Andrey Bogolyubsky


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Prince Andrei Yurievich Bogolyubsky (d. 1174) is one of the key figures in the history of our Fatherland. It is he who is called the creator of the independent Vladimir-Suzdal principality - the political core of the future Great Russia, in other words - modern Russia. However, we do not know as much about the life and deeds of the prince as we would like: almost every step of his as the Vladimir "autocrat" can be called into question; almost every news about him causes a lively discussion among historians. With the greatest detail, the chronicles cover the story of his tragic death at the hands of the conspirators - his closest associates and servants; But even here there are more questions than answers. This book, like the author's previous books about ancient Russian princes, published earlier in the Life of Remarkable People series, is an attempt to recreate the prince's biography based on a scrupulous study of all surviving sources.

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Barcode: 9785235042650 SKU: 70408550 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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