Absolute obedience. How to teach a puppy or adult dog to always come back on command


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dog owners have difficulty managing their pet. overwhelming
most of them face the same simple but very serious
problem - the dog does not return when called.
In this book, Pippa Mattinson discusses in detail the team approach as
essential obedience skill and offers a step-by-step training program with
using effective and positive training methods.
Pippa encourages readers to "look into the mind" of a dog and explains,
Why do dogs behave the way they do? The book includes
practical exercises set out in as much detail as possible, as well as a section
Troubleshooting. All this guarantees a carefully calibrated
a learning process where nothing is left to chance.
This book is more than just a guide to learning the approach. This
a detailed guide to dog behavior and training methods,
which will delight any dog ​​owner.

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Barcode:   SKU: 70407578 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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