Clara and Shadow


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Clara and Shadow


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Welcome to a wondrous world where the highest human ambition is to become a work of art in the hyperdramatic genre, a painting or even household utensils, a symbol of someone else's wealth and power. Now the paintings of artists live in a literal sense, they breathe and stand motionless for long hours, decorating galleries and luxurious private houses. The great prophet of the new art is the Dutch master Bruno van Tysch. To become a painting at his upcoming exhibition is the dream of any professional canvas, including Clara Reyes, who all her life wanted to write a masterpiece with her. However, Van Tysch's canvases, one after another, perish at the hands of a sophisticated killer, because high art is not only true life, but also inevitably true death, and detectives launched on the trail will have to understand this with unbearable clarity. We protect Art, for it is the most valuable heritage of mankind; But are we ready to take care of a person? Jose Carlos Somoza, a popular Spanish writer, winner of the Golden Dagger and many other literary awards, creator of multi-layered worlds where very terrible things are happening, wrote a brilliant philosophical thriller, an unexpected action-packed rebus, a picture of black human nature, striving for beauty.

Barcode: 9785389180505 SKU: 70153923 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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