Mei Little Woman's Story


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Mei is still a child, but she already knows what it's like when everything in your life has suddenly changed. Her family moves from the town of Concord to Paradise, the place where Mae's parents want to build the perfect commune. They do not eat meat, do not exploit animals (not even bees!) and wear the simplest clothes made of linen. And although in the new life there is a place for friendship - with an Indian girl named Two Moons, and for the first love - with the Beautiful Master, and adventures, May did not choose this new life. And the only way to embrace change is to pick up paper and pen and recreate the reality around you in letters to her friend Martha, who is back in town. May has an incredible imagination, and in her letters she seems to live in different realities, rethink her past and come up with future , adventures yet to be experienced. And he understands that, as in nature, everything changes in life, and movement is an integral part of life.
The book is set in XNUMXth-century America and is based on the early life of Louisa May Alcott, the world famous author of Little Women.

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Barcode: 9785001670544 SKU: 70140123 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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