Rough England. History in faces


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prim England -
book containing fascinating stories
sketches of the most legendary, cruel and revolutionary personalities
news in the history of England.
Did Robin Hood really exist? Why Queen Elizabeth
kept a pirate at court? Were the Stewart kings cursed?
tov? Why is the XNUMXth century called the Victorian era? Numerous
wife of Henry VIII, the "bloody" reign of his daughter - Mary
celebration of the life of the "Merry" King Charles II and the "golden
century" Queen Wik-
torii - far from all the events that left their indelible mark
in the cultural face of the archipelago.
Ardent heroes and desperate dreamers in the story of Natalia Basov-
skoy come to life on book pages and smash the stereotype to smithereens
about the "prim" Englishman.

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Barcode: 9785171338312 SKU: 70140319 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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