Dystopia. A conspiracy against humanity without the heading "secret"


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The new book by Professor Katasonov comes out of a number of his financial and economic works and is devoted to the problem of elucidating the future of mankind in the most famous dystopian novels of the 1984th century: “We” by Zamyatin, “Brave New World” by Huxley, “XNUMX” by Orwell, etc. But this is by no means literary work - history and futurology, science and religion, economics and sociology are organically intertwined in the author's reflections on the ways of development of our world.
Which of the famous "utopians" turned out to be right? According to whose forecasts does humanity develop? Which of the science fiction writers collaborated with the special services and why? Dystopia - prediction, warning or pointer to the future? Why did Dostoevsky turn out to be the father of XNUMXth century dystopias? As always, Professor Katasonov opens his eyes and the truth and warns: the future is already near, and it does not bode well.

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Barcode: 9785604460245 SKU: 70139111 Category:
Publication language: Russian

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